Vidyapath is a charity based in the UK working to provide qualitative education to the underprivileged children in India. The name is derived from Sanskrit, where Vidya means knowledge and path (pronounced “puth”) means the path.
Our focus at Vidyapath has been on education of slum children in urban slums. Millions of children living is slum areas never see inside a classroom. These children are either engaged in jobs to supplement the family’s income or at home to manage domestic chores while the parents work who are typically daily wagerers working in menial jobs.
Education opens up a world of possibilities, & we strive to ensure that these children keep learning no matter what.

"Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom."
63% of what we spend goes on giving them value based quality education with dignity.
15% of donations are spent on hygienic, nutritious & warm meals for them every single day.
18% of donations are spent on ensuring students are well equipped with the right stationery and textbooks.
4% of donations are spent on ensuring they get a healthy & maintained environment to study and work in.